Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ecclesiastes 1-6: Eternity in Our Hearts

Ecclesiastes 3:11
Amplified Bible (AMP)

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

As human beings, we are well aware that our lives are short, merely a breath.  Coming to terms with the brevity of our lives causes us to question the meaning of our existence.  

If my life is "merely a breath," then why do I feel as though there is so much more than just this earth.  My physical body may return to the dust, but the eternal part of me discerns a different future...eternity with Jesus!

With eternity in mind, the way I live my life and interact with others differs than if I subscribe to the short-sighted vision of life on earth, then nothingness.

An eternity mindset causes us to look with a different perspective at circumstances, situations, and people.  Purpose is birthed from the revelation that this earth is not the end of life, but only the beginning for those who hold fast to Jesus.

An eternity mindset causes me to worship the God Who made me.  That worship looks different for each one of us, because the way we express our devotion and affection for the Lord depends upon how He crafted our personalities.  

A huge part of worship is how we treat others who also have been crafted by God.  They may look, act, and speak differently than us, but they are unique creations, just like us.  Worshiping God takes the form of practical substance when we love others in His name.

Nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy!

Without a revelation of eternity, life can be a depressing experience, BUT with God our purpose, the reason for living, and the meaning of life can all be satisfied! 

Thank You, Lord, for placing eternity in my heart.  Empower me by Your Spirit to approach situations, circumstances, and people with eternity flowing through me.  In the great and glorious name of Jesus, AMEN!!!

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