Sunday, August 4, 2019

Born to Worship

I was born to worship God! This morning Martin Smith led worship. At one point, mental pictures flashed before my mind's eye.

*as a child looking into the sky and talking to God

*as a pre-adolescent crying during a Christmas Eve candle light service because I could feel Him

*as an adolescent being drawn by His love and singing "it only takes a spark to get a fire going" after giving my heart to the Lord 

*as I learned to dance in worship in the middle of the night without music because He asked me to do it

*as I danced in a church service and felt a wave of power after someone who could not previously walk began to walk

*as I choose to forgive a group of people who repeatedly hurt me over the course of many years

All of these were instances of worship, and the only common theme was a heart turned towards God.