Sunday, August 4, 2019

Born to Worship

I was born to worship God! This morning Martin Smith led worship. At one point, mental pictures flashed before my mind's eye.

*as a child looking into the sky and talking to God

*as a pre-adolescent crying during a Christmas Eve candle light service because I could feel Him

*as an adolescent being drawn by His love and singing "it only takes a spark to get a fire going" after giving my heart to the Lord 

*as I learned to dance in worship in the middle of the night without music because He asked me to do it

*as I danced in a church service and felt a wave of power after someone who could not previously walk began to walk

*as I choose to forgive a group of people who repeatedly hurt me over the course of many years

All of these were instances of worship, and the only common theme was a heart turned towards God.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Dozen Years of Promise

Each year, the Lord gives me a head's up of what to expect. Since the unknown can tend to cause anxiety, I thought it would be encouraging to review the past dozen years of promise proving that God never leaves us or abandons us. He will provide direction and insight, if we take the time to ask and listen.

2019, The Year of Change

2018, The Year of Finishing Lines

2017, Back Flow, Tidal Wave

2016, Amazing Surprises

2015, The Year of Great Grace

2014, The Appointed Time Fulfilled (Returning to My First Love)

2013, It Shall Be Cut Off

2012, Overcomer

2011, Do Not Trust in Horses and Chariots

2010, A New Season

2009, True Love, Holy Love

2008, The Appointed Time 

Be blessed with heart peace my friends. 

With love,

Beautiful Grace