Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ruth 1-4: Skilled and Caring for Others


While reading Ruth, I was mentally picking out the admirable character traits found in this amazing woman.  ;)

Another thing that I noticed was the meaning of the name Mahlon, Ruth's first husband.  Mahlon means invalid...interesting!  An invalid is "one who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or disability" as defined by

Could it be that Ruth's husband had some sort of chronic illness or disability?  If so, this may shed light on yet another positive character trait of King David's great-grandmother.  A person can't be self-centered and compassionless if loyally caring for an invalid husband.  Ruth may have had much more heartache then what is described in the Bible.  Of course, there is no way to substantiate my thoughts, but it is interesting to meditate on this alternative line of thinking.

I propose to you that Ruth was not only loyal, but compassionate and skilled in caring for others.  Maybe that's another reason why she insisted on staying with Naomi, in order to care for her.

Lord, I thank you for Ruth, for her character could have only been birthed by You!  Holy Spirit, please empower me with every character trait that brings glory to You.  In the name of Jesus, AMEN!!!

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