Friday, July 24, 2009

Praise God: Ben Update and The Panama Team Returns

I'm a little late in getting this post out, sorry!

We had our annual church picnic on Wednesday night and guess who was there? BEN!!!!! He has been discharged from the hospital that morning. He currently is taking antibiotics five times a day and in a week or so will have another CT scan to determine if the infection has cleared. If not, he will need to have surgery to "clean him out." He looks good with that sparkle in his eye, like you never know what practical joke he'll do next.

Please continue to pray for Ben. We want him to be completely free from infection without the need for surgery. He told me he felt good but was tired. Pray that the Lord would give him wisdom in the activities he involves himself. I personally believe he pushes himself a little too much.

Around 9 pm on Wednesday night as the picnic was winding down, we saw the church bus pull into the parking lot. The Panama team was home!!!!! Yeah, God!!!!! It was beautiful as a mass of people descended upon the bus and as the youth exited the bus, they were swarmed with many hugs and kisses!!!! It was a beautiful moment, full of God's Love. AWESOME! I haven't heard any specific God-stories yet, but I will soon.


Crown of Beauty said...

Praying for Ben... hoping for the infection to clear up. ANd that he won;t need surgery to clean him up inside. He is already clean, I declare. THe joy of the Lord is his strength.

Thanks for the update.

Praise God for the PAnama team!


Anonymous said...

Is this Ben M? Oh my gosh! what had happened to him? i hadn't heard anything...


Beautiful Grace said...

Yes, it is. And he went to Burn this past weekend. He told me there's a tiny area of infection remaining and he's taking antibiotics. Nothing has been said about any type of surgery. He looks great!!!! He the same old Ben!
