Monday, April 25, 2011

Mountain Removed: New Life and New Beginnings!!!

Dear Victorious and Faithful Friends,

The Monday after this past Christmas, I received a pathology report stating that I had breast cancer. Today, the Monday after Easter (Resurrection Day), I received the results of the PET scan from last metastasis!!! Jesus was born to take our sins, heal our diseases and provide a way for us to be with Him throughout eternity. I do not believe in coincidences. The report declaring the resolution of cancer coming today is just another example of how my God speaks, and I believe He is saying to all of us that His resurrection makes "New Life and New Beginnings" possible, whether a disease needs to be eradicated or our sins need to be wiped away. Today is the day of "New Life and New Beginnings." Let's seize this gift by giving ourselves unreservedly to Jesus, accepting His free gift of salvation in its fullest measure!!!

Many Praises!

I continue to follow Peace no matter the pressure applied to my soul to do otherwise.

This morning I typed out, "The PET scan came back negative." I declared the good report in obedience to a prompting of His Spirit before I physically received the report of no metastasis to any other place in my body!!!

I have resumed my regular work schedule and duties.

Strongman and I celebrated the Passover Seder last Thursday with some dear friends (Thank you, Dave and Lori). This celebration was of special significance to me as I am a living example of the "Death Angel passing over."

I received the second MRSA culture results this morning, which came back as negative. I am officially clear of infection as per Pinnacle Health System policy!

My lifestyle has dramatically changed. I now exercise at least 5 days a week, walking/running 3 miles (5 K) each day. Dairy has been eliminated from my diet , as well as, processed sugar, caffeine, and butter/margarine. My meat (animals that walk on land) intake has been severely restricted, while I am blessed to enjoy salmon three times a week.

My new oncologist has described himself as "a worker bee in the hands of God." I'm not sure if he has a personal relationship with Jesus, but he does respect my beliefs.

It's wonderful to feel great and have some energy! This in itself has been a miraculous transformation as I have been a "tired person" since my teens. The cause of my fatigue was most probably "estrogen dominance." Which is being treated by my change in diet and exercise.

Strongman has encouraged me to stand in what my heart tells me in regards to further treatment and gives me a complimentary viewpoint with his logical, left-brained way of thinking. He has the ability to see through the fog to the point of an issue. Since I tend to process with my heart, he balances me.

Continued Prayer

The PET scan did show some esophageal irritation, which I'm thinking is due to the stress of two surgeries, the infection, and all the Motrin I was taking for pain relief. I took Motrin, because the narcotic made me "loopy." ;) The oncologist wants me to take Tums with calcium before supper each day. I was just asking Jesus over the weekend if I was getting enough calcium in my diet. I love the way He answers me.

The blood results were normal and according to the doctor, "You are no where close to menopause." I take this as a praise, but in the doctor's eyes this is not good. As long as my ovaries pump out estrogen, the chance of reoccurrence of cancer is higher. I want God's direction on this, ovaries release different types of estrogen, some of which are cancer preventative.

My next surgery will be in July, please pre-pray against complications. I don't want any more infections!

Thank you all for standing with me. "Beautiful" is the only word that can describe the support I have received throughout this season of trial. Jesus has shown me that with Him, we can have peace no matter what circumstances envelope us, and in that peace, His power is released!!!

With Much Love Always...

Beautiful Grace :)

P.S. The attachment shows some of my flowers. I choose them because yellow signifies a gift from God and the red stripes are symbolic for the stripes Jesus took for my healing. Be blessed my friends!!!

1 comment:

Crown of Beauty said...

I stopped by your blog to wish you a blessed Mother's Day, dear friend.

Much love