Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Blessings of a Relationship with God

While driving to work yesterday, I was soaking in the gorgeous sight of snow-covered trees. 
I marveled how the weighty snow caused the tree limbs to sag and bow. To me snow represents the grace of God. Then I felt like the Lord revealed how His weighty grace causes people to bow in humility. Then snow fell from the trees hitting my car as I passed by them. It is like that with people and grace.  People saturated with God's grace bow in humility and that bowing allows the grace to "slip" off them and "hit" those people who pass by. Let's be people so saturated with grace that humility is apparent and God's grace is given to others as they pass by us!


While driving to work, I was listening to K-LOVE and singing (praying) this song. I told Jesus, "Thank You for being the anchor of my soul." I thought about all the stormy experiences in my life and I was filled with gratitude. I looked up and there was a billboard with a huge anchor on it. I felt like the Lord was hearing and confirming what I had just prayed. I really had a wonderful time driving to work yesterday!!! I love You, Jesus!!!


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